Sunday, May 29, 2011


More from hanging out with Derek.

Provia 120


There was some intense lightning dancing around the sky tonight. Unfortunately by the time I set up a camera it was reduced to sheet lightning. So the best I captured was this poor excuse for a one-point-twenty-one-jiggawatt-bolt-of-lightning.


Lauren and I work in the same department. She is moving in a few days but her current place has a cool backyard with a weird abandoned building in the back. So I wanted to take advantage of it before she left.

Provia 120

Blue Steel

I was at Derek's being photographed. He's working on a project that is going to be going in a gallery.
Then, unprovoked, he took his shirt off. So I ran with it.

Provia 120

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Morning Fog

Just got 3 rolls of 120 Provia back and I'm working on digitizing them now. This was at the beginning of one of the rolls so I figured I'd throw it up by itself.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When I bought my first few rolls of 120, one of the rolls was a Kodak negative film. I figured I would try it in the mix and see if I could digitize it using the same lightbox/DSLR method. Plus I had never shot slide film so I wanted another option just incase. I don't think I will be using neg film again for this process. It just takes so much longer to get it looking good than the positive film. Plus I'm not quite sure it is using the full potential of the information the negative holds, while the slides look quite full. There is also a big issue overcoming the orange base of neg film, as well as inverting the image and dealing with weird colour shifts. Anyways, here are my favourites from the roll.

Kodak Portra 160NC

Friday, May 06, 2011


It's been a while since I've posted anything. Been pretty busy lately with moving into another new place downtown. I've also started a new full time job that's been keeping me pretty busy. Been doing some shooting and organizing to print a new portfolio. Recently picked up a new-to-me medium format film camera. Got the first two rolls of reversal film back and "scanned" them using a light box I made with found materials and a DSLR with a macro lens. Hope you enjoy.

Provia and Astia 120

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My name is Josh. This blog is for my recent photography work. If you would like to inquire about a shoot, please feel free to email me at:

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